28 oct 2009

En la siguiente página(http://yedda.com/questions/computers_reader_7351131862110/Yes_teach_English_pronuciation_186337663731328

un Noigonauta encontró la siguiente pregunta:

¿Podemos enseñar Inglés a las personas sordas?

Y un profesor de Milan le contesto lo siguiente:

(-Yes of course! )

Can we teach English to deaf people? What is the best technique to teach people whom English is not their first language?

Peter Bulmer
1 answer :
Yes I teach English pronuciation in Milan through a new technique using Eight mouth postions every word in the English langauge can be broken down in to one or a combination of these mouth positions . By showing these mouth postions to a deaf person and combining it with a breathing technique there is not reason in my view why a deaf person should not make the same sound as some one who can hear. peter Bulmer